About Me

I love stories. Especially those where the hand of God, and His incredible grace, run through the tale from start to finish like a golden thread.

I haven't lived 20 years yet, but the grace of God glows unmistakably in every day of my life so far. Very often I could only stand and marvel at how He worked things out; how He picked me up, dusted me off and set me on my feet again; how He sought me and found me when I thought I was a goner - and brought me home once more.

And with such a wealth of stories in my life - stories of grace, blessing, joy, tears and brutally honest conversations with my Heavenly Father - I think it'd be criminal of me not to share them.

Only by grace can I stand and smile. For God's grace has made me what I am.

Thank you for reading this far. I'm going to push my luck and ask you to read a bit further, please.


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